What makes New Hope Church so different than every other church out there? Everyone treats each other like family, we strive in unity towards the same goal, nearly everyone in our congregation serves in some capacity or in multiple ministries, and we have been awarded for two years straight as the best place in Alliance to worship by the Alliance Awards Foundation. We do not strive for awards or accolades, only to serve Jesus Christ with excellence.

We do a lot more than what our size should be able to accomplish. With under 100 people in a country church like setting, we give away over 63,000 lbs. of food each year to our local community. We have a benefit auction every year to raise the money to purchase the food we distribute. We raised over $5,000 this year which is the highest we’ve ever done. We sent 15 youth to Church Youth Camp for free through various fundraising events that the teens worked in to earn the money.

New Hope Church is also unique in that we are one church in two locations. Our Senior Pastor, Don Nicely, moved to Southeast Florida to plant a satellite campus of New Hope. He comes to the main campus once a month to hold service and give a status report of how we are growing. You will not find another church like New Hope. We love God, we love others; we serve God, we serve others.

For years, New Hope had a lighthouse associated with our church. Senior Pastor Don Nicely had a vision and a dream of what New Hope would look like and be like. It involved a pathway walking to a lighthouse which was a walk by faith making New Hope a place of new hope for a hurting, dying world with the life of Jesus Christ. We are continuing in the vision and giving hope to many through the grace shown to us.